Thursday, March 25, 2010

Time Traveler

Time Traveler

This week has been an absolute blur. I can't believe it's Thursday/Friday already. My body has been screaming at me, desperate for attention. I made an appointment to go to this Ayurvedic Lifestyle retreat. I'll get a healing diet that will hopefully alleviate my migraines and keep my energy (and moods) more balanced. I'm one of those people that gets headaches almost everyday since I was a kid - and I'm taking a stand. That's right. You hearrrd. You're not welcome here. Pack your bags Mr. Migraine. Your time has come.

I'll let you know toward the end of April how my attempt at new diet and lifestyle goes. I know a lot of people are in the same boat with headaches. I've tried eliminating certain inflammatory foods before but I never gave it a good enough chance. . .

I'm just looking for a softer place to be. . .
in every which way.

A wood painting started tonight.

Thursdays are my days. My selfish me days. I made a quick little tutorial and posted it to youtube (will post it here eventually.) It's a little scary putting yourself out there, you know, what if someone points and laughs and says "ha-ha you're stupid." gasp, a cyber bully! i will refer to good ol' Dr. Seuss for this one:

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”

I'm still functioning with Less. This week I used up my last sketchbook and didn't rush out for a new one. Hope you all are having a great week so far!

With Love,


  1. I agree this week has really fown by...oif! Lovely painting there... I like that statement of looking for a softer place to be...nice!

  2. hey linda, glad i'm not the only one! it seems to be in the air :)

  3. Good morning Carissa, first you day for you is not selfish. We all need a day like that.

    Keep us posted on the headache issue. I get them too frequently, I am so tire of them!!!
    My sweet daughter (18) gets them as well. Her doctor has her off of all caffeine and chocolate. Please, off all chocolate - not gonna happen!! So we limit it!! We are going to go see a physical therapist who has had good results with headaches and chronic pain. We shall see.

    The piece you are working on is great - love the title of it.

    Wishing you a good headache free weekend.

  4. oh, did I tell you I loved my prints??
    sometimes I forget - the headaches!!! :)

  5. Hi Carissa,this painting looks like its going to be a gorgeous one,can't wait to see it finished. I get headaches alot too,it seems like everyday,I take advil like its candy. Let me know how the diet helps.

  6. carissa...your blog is phenomenal. i love the work you are doing and the authentic feel of it all.

  7. thank you Mary, i will definitely keep you posted :) i go 4/17 and start a new diet shortly after. oh yes, he-he, you told me about the prints. i'm SOoo-so glad!! i know my prints are just as happy to be with you :)

    thank you Buffy :) i know the feeling! it's no fun. it becomes such a huge part of your life, like an extra appendage you have to tend to.

    and Mystele! thank you so much for the encouragement =..= i really appreciate it.


I love to hear your comments, feedback, stories, inspiration, or anything else you share!