Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Stuff & BOGO Sale!


It's been quite a while since my last update! I have so much to share that my fingers are literally freezing up, not knowing where to begin. In short, I've been majorly cleaning out my life, doing a lot of introspection, and getting rid of so much stuff (so much that my neighbors asked if I was moving!) I have much to share about life and art, but for now, here's a glimpse at some of my latest pieces (all available in  my shop!)

To get some energy moving along I'm offering a BOGO = Buy-1-Get-1 FREE on all prints! Any of my newer paintings can be made into prints if they aren't already. Mention: SOULWERK at checkout along with your free print choice! I'm so proud of how beautiful my prints are and want to share the love!!

Hope your week is going well! Catch up with you soon.

A Big-Big Love,


  1. bravo on the recreation of your current life
    and all the tweaking and purging:)
    (your art is awesome!)
    happy new trails,

  2. the realist you is so beautiful.
    how i love the feather in your hair.
    i've missed your posts of soul inspiration!
    i love you so much, carissa.
    flutterflying near xoxox

  3. I cannot wait to hear about all that is going on with you. And your new work is amazing!

  4. glad to have found your blog thru your shop. You have a neat painting style!

  5. Just popped in to catch up on your blog & art. I am working on some sewing projects & anxious to get out the paints soon. wishing you well.
    xo Theresa


I love to hear your comments, feedback, stories, inspiration, or anything else you share!