Thursday, August 18, 2011

New Paintings

Hello Friends! I have a handful of new paintings in the works & wanted to share these two w/ you. They're almost done. I took a few of my wood pieces I wasn't in love with & blasted them with the power sander. I started to see these dreamy scenes unfolding & am much-much happier. Right now my hands are still humming from the power sander & I kinda like it (+.-)

In other news: Over the past month (my how time flies) I've been directing 90% of my creative energy toward our nest -- re-painting rooms, moving furniture around, turning our space into something light & bright & even more welcoming than before. I've been going through all the "stuff" I've collected over the years & have freed up so much S P A C E. Taking this time to go through my life has been good & it's forced me to get clear about a lot of things. I wrote about 10,0000000 words.... half of which got lost during a storm. Ah, such freedom in letting go -- even things held dear.

Be on the lookout for new artwork to start blooming from this soul cleanse. And a sale.... Time to let go... Time to make v-rooooom... Time to ride this Wild Life from the handlebars!



  1. Love, love, love Carissa. Loving the colors you used, the peeks of polka dots on the one on the left, and the expression on her face. Fabulous. Isn't it freeing to let go of stuff, get rid of the unnecessary, and rearrange? It is so refreshing. :)

  2. Sounds like you are in an exciting place in your soul sweet girl! I can't wait to see where that takes your creativity to! I know it will be wonderful. I'm LOVING these two new ones you posted! They are awesome-the one on the left brings me back to my childhood. Love to you-I sure hope to spend time with you again someday <3
    Love, Kelly

  3. You are amazing me dear friend! I am in Love with your work!!! I am smiling big time...... Thank you!!!

  4. i hope you don't mind if i
    eat up that bicycle painting
    like a popsicle!
    YUM! ride life by these handbars for sure!
    oh, your resilience astounds me
    re: the story of lost words...
    sending big love to your
    ever-increasing SPACE..
    a flock of flutterflies to you there
    & la la la love always! xoxX

  5. i meant "handlebars"...
    hmmm, what else could i have meant?...
    bar hand? wow, that's another wild ride!
    hee hee, how fun! X

  6. Hello!

    I love your work : fresh, sweet... I will continue to explore your world on your blog!

    Julie -


I love to hear your comments, feedback, stories, inspiration, or anything else you share!