Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Dream Come True

I'm at a complete loss of words. Just kidding, I'm crazy excited and could go on for hours, but I won't!

A huge thank you to The Lovely and Inspiring Dana for posting about SARK's new dream-course, "Dream Boogie"

Sark's "Succulent Wild Woman" was a huge pivotal point for me, and all of her other books too. I've always dreamed of meeting Sark and attending one of her workshops. Tonight I took a leap, I signed up for the online course! It's her first video / teleconference workshop like this and I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to attend. This was completely unplanned, a total whim, a major leap, and a little scary!

I've been shivering with excitement and filled with butterflies.

For those who might want to get in on the action - it starts April 14th and lasts for 8 weeks.

In other great news Mystele from Little Glimpses Studios is running her second round of Gut Art which is a great opportunity to explore yourself as an artist, develop or flex your core elements and meet kindred spirits. Mystele is a wonderful soul. I took her first Gut Art class and met so many lovely women who all share the same love. I'm going go play some more in round two! So many exciting things in my heart. It begins April 5th.

Get creative fool!
A little April Fools meets Mr. T ;)



  1. you are so funny....get creative fool!
    congrats for jumping. i did that with a retreat last year with kelly rae roberts and andrea scher (superhero journal and mondo beyondo) it was super scary for me too and turned out to be one of the BEST things ever done for myself.
    andrea and jen lemon are actually going to be on SARKs videos, so look for them...hey, i might even join you.
    happy jumping girlfriend!

  2. Carissa-
    So glad you took the jump! It is so exciting! I am going to check out gut art now!
    have a great weekend!

  3. wow, you so inspire me to take a class. i just might have to join you. i just adore sark and know you will, of course, have such a wonderful, life-changing time :)
    best wishes!
    xoxo, juliette

  4. i'm quite excited here! i'm going to get plenty of R & R and try to eat wholesome so i can absorb it all in when the time comes.

    i hope you all can come "Dream Boogie" too!

    happy weekend!

  5. HEY I signed up for Dream Boogie a couple of weeks ago . . . AND Gut cool are we?


I love to hear your comments, feedback, stories, inspiration, or anything else you share!